Shirke Energy is active in the Biomass and BioFuel industries. We offer biomass to biofuel plant technology. The conversion of Biomass to Biofuels will open new opportunities for Farmers, cooperatives, and Industries. This technology will provide extra revenue to farmers. It will generate significant employment. Biomass to biofuel Plant technology is a milestone in the Biofuel field.

The company has proven its technical expertise in in the biofuel industry. As a bio producer, we obtain biodiesel from non-edible oils such as castor, palm, jatropha, and pongamia.

Biomass to Biofuel Plant Technology

Biomass is available in various forms and needs to be shredded before processing. The thermochemical reaction helps in breaking down Biomass into Biofuel. Depending on the input biomass quality, some process parameters will change.

Plant capacity depends on inputs like Biomass availability and investment. Due to the high investment constraint, we are serving corporate or cooperative organisations.

Waste generated as a result of various agricultural activities is referred to as Agricultural waste. It contains things like grass, forest waste, and crop residues. Due to its scattered nature, its proper disposal is typically crucial. In many cases, it results in burns to avoid further handling. Biofuel production from agricultural waste is a lucrative option. We developed technology to convert agricultural waste into biofuel.

Agricultural, commercial, domestic, and industrial wastes can be converted into biofuels if the corresponding waste has a biological origin. If the biomass used in biofuel production can regrow quickly, the fuel is a renewable energy form. Wood and residues from wood, for instance, spruce, birch, eucalyptus, willow, and oil palm, remain the largest biomass energy source today. It is used directly as fuel or processed into pellet fuel or other forms. Biomass also includes plant or animal matter whose conversion to fuel, fibers, or industrial chemicals is possible.

Please Send us Your enquiry about Biomass to Biofuel Plant.

Biofuel from Agricultural Waste

Unique Solution for Federal Government and State Governments, having Biomass and looking for Biofuel Production from Agricultural Waste. We offer Biofuel from Agricultural waste technology as Turnkey Solution.

We have unique solutions for Biomass with you, if you are,

  • Corporate
  • State Governments
  • Federal Government
  • Non-profit organization
  • Farmers Co-operative

Technology will help you,

  • Earn Extra Revenue
  • Reducing Fossil Fuel Import
  • Employment Generation

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Recognizing the need for clean, renewable energy for transportation, the Department of Biotechnology, India has been pushing research and development for biofuel technology development.